Thursday, July 8, 2010

the buried life

50 things I want to do before I die.
This list will hopefully eventually reach 100, but for now 50 will suffice.

1. drive a rally a car
2. bungee jump
3. sky dive
4. go to new zealand
5. make a difference in a stranger's life
6. go to every state in the US
7. have a million dollars
8. play an instrument
9. step foot on every continent
10. become fluent in a foreign language
11. have 'the perfect kiss'
12. pick up a hitch hiker
13. win something significant
14. be able to honestly say that i'm not stressed
15. invent something
16. be an extra in a movie
17. pay for a stranger's meal in a restaurant
18. shoot under par on 18 holes of golf
19. ride a bull (mechanical works)
20. sing karaoke
21. make a donation as 'anonymous'
22. throw the first pitch at a baseball game
23. be involved in a protest
24. make and sell a piece of art
25. be on a game show
26. witness a miracle
27. learn to surf
28. go on stage at a concert
29. get a college degree
30. make a toast
31. attend the finals of each sport(super bowl, NBA finals, world cup, world series, etc)
32. buy a one-way ticket somewhere not knowing when I would return
33. ride an elephant in a foreign country
34. stand under a waterfall
35. watch the ball drop in Times Square
36. drive the autobahn
37. complete a triathlon
38. drive the car of my dreams
39. have one day of completing entirely selfless acts
40. stand up for something i believe in
41. have something published
42. leave someone a tip that is more than the meal
43. be the first thing to come up on a Google search of my name
44. be VIP at an event
45. fly business class overseas
46. fly in a private jet
47. keep a journal
48. give a person on the street a $100 bill
49. jump into a pool/lake/ocean with all my clothes on.
50. ride a motorcycle

Writing this list not only made me realize how soon I need to start this list, but also how privileged I my life has been. Reading over others' lists of things they want to do before they die, I noticed that I had already completed a good number of them. I take for granted how lucky I have been to live in such a great area, have been able to travel and experience life. I am so grateful to have the parents I do who encourage and help me with these life changing experiences.


  1. Ditto. And, it is safe to say that at some point in the next two weeks, you are going to check off #20. And I'm sure we could find somewhere for #19. Also, do I count as someone on the street?

  2. Okay, I don't like some of those! :-) Very interesting though!

  3. Let's do #49 in Las Vegas. The Bellagio fountain to make it even more interesting!

    Love the list, lots of thought went into it.

  4. That would definitely take it to the next level! Maybe even involve some police officers!
